Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Genesis Group Fireside Men's Prison



We Fall Down

(Chorus)                (Choir)

                               We fall down
                               But we get up
                               We fall down
                               But we get up
                               We fall down
                               But we get up
                               For a saint is just a sinner who fell down
                               and got up  (repeat)

(Chorus Solo)

(Chorus x5)
(Get back up again)  Get back up again (x7)

                                  For a saint is just a sinner who fell down
                                  and got up


Jesus Be a Fence

(solo)                                  (choir)
                                           Jesus be a fence all around me everyday
                                           Jesus, I want You to protect me as I travel along the way
(I know You can),              yes, Lord,
(I know You will),             yes, Lord
(Fight my battle),               yes, Lord,
(if I keep still),                   yes, Lord
                                           Lord, be a fence all around me everyday  (repeat)
                                           Jesus Be a Fence
                                           Jesus Be a Fence
                                           Jesus Be a Fence
                                           Jesus Be a Fence (repeat until cue)

                                           (Lord, be a fence all around me everyday)

(Chorus x2)

(Chorus x2)

(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day

(When Jesus washed)  When Jesus washed
(oh when he washed)  When Jesus washed
(When Jesus washed)  When Jesus washed
(He washed my sins away!)  Oh happy day


                                   He taught me how
                                   to watch
                                   fight and pray
Fight and pray           fight and pray
                                  And live re-joi-----cing ev------ry day

(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)            Oh happy day



Jesus is on that mainline 

(Solo)                               (Choir)
(Jesus is on that mainline) 
                                         Tell Him what you want
                                         Oh Jesus is on that mainline
                                         Tell Him what you want
                                         Jesus is on that mainline
                                         Tell Him what you want
                                         Call Him up and tell Him what you want

(call him, call him...)        Tell him what you want
                                          Oh Call him, call him, Tell him what you want
                                          Call him, call him, Tell him what you want
                                          Call Him up and tell Him what you want

(If you need you need your body healed...)


(And if you're feeling down and out...) 


(I know.. Jesus is on that mainline) 


Learning To Lean

Learning to lean

Learning to lean,

I'm learning to lean on Jesus

Finding more power than I've ever dreamed

I'm learning to lean on Jesus.


(solo)                                (Choir)
(He'a battle axe)               In the time of battle
(He'a battle axe)               In the time of battle
(He'a battle axe)               In the time of battle
(Oh, he's)                         A shelter in the time of storm (Repeat)

(Verse Solo)
(Well you can't do like Jesus did
Not a mumbling word he said
He walked right down to Lazarus grave
And raised him from the dead)

Chorus x2

(Verse 2 Solo)
(Gonna go down to that river
Gonna stand there like a man
Unbuckle my sword right off a my side
And stick it in the golden sand)

Chorus x2

(Verse 3 Solo)
(Well, load my gun with the Holy Ghost
And I pull my trigger with prayer
King Jesus is my captain
And I'll shoot most any where)

Chorus x2

Steal Away

                                         (Choir )
                                          Steal Away.
                                          Steal Away.
                                          Steal Away.
                                          Steal Away to Jesus.
                                          Steal Away.
                                          Steal Away home.
                                          I haven't got long to stay here. (repeat)
(Chorus Solo)

Chorus x3

My life is in your hands

You don't have to worry
And don't you be afraid
Joy comes in the morning
Troubles they don't last always
For there's a friend named Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if your heart is broken
Just lift your hands and say

Oh! I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands


With Jesus I can take it
With Him I know I can stand
No matter what may come my way
My life is in your hands

So when your tests and trials
They seem to get you down
And all your friends and loved ones
Are nowhere to be found
Remember there's a friend named Jesus
Who will wipe your tears away
And if you heart is broken
Just lift your hands and say




If We Ever Needed The Lord Before

If we ever needed the Lord before 
We sure do need Him now
Oh, we sure do need Him now
Oh, Lord, we sure do need Him now
If we ever needed the Lord before
We sure do need Him now
We need Him every day and every hour
(Repeat x 5)

Chorus 1:
(Tekulve)    :21 -1:18                   (Choir)
                                                     I'll just wave my hand
                                                     I'll just wave my hand
(If I couldn't say one word)         I'll just wave my hand
(If I couldn't say one word)         I'll just wave my hand

 (He's been to good, good to me,
kept me out of danger
when danger was around me)
                                                    If I couldn't say one word
                                                    I'll just wave my hand

1:18 -  2:16                                 (Choir)
(If I couldn't say one word)         I'll just wave my hand
(If I couldn't say one word)         I'll just wave my hand

He's been to good, good to me,
I just can't forget
What He did at Calvary
                                                    If I couldn't say one word
                                                    I'll just wave my hand

I'll just wave my hand

Vamp:                                                       (Choir)
                                                                  I'll just wave my hand.
                                                                  I'll just wave my hand.
(you've been good to me Jesus)               I'll just wave my hand.
(kept me a long time)                               I'll just wave my hand.
(and you still keepin me now)                  I'll just wave my hand.
(I wanted to thank ya)                              I'll just wave my hand
(He's So good)                                         I'll just wave my hand

(When he woke me up this morning)      I'll just wave my hand
(when he put food on my table)              I'll just wave my hand
(all I did was just wave my hand)           I'll just wave my hand

( Aint God good)                                    I'll just wave my hand
( Hes soo good!)                                     I'll just wave my hand                                                              I'll just wave my hand.
(you've been good to me Jesus)               I'll just wave my hand.
(kept me a long time)                               I'll just wave my hand.
(and you still keepin me now)                  I'll just wave my hand.
(I wanted to thank ya)                              I'll just wave my hand
(He's So good)                                         I'll just wave my hand

(When he woke me up this morning)      I'll just wave my hand
(when he put food on my table)              I'll just wave my hand
(all I did was just wave my hand)           I'll just wave my hand

( Aint God good)                                    I'll just wave my hand
( Hes soo good!)                                     I'll just wave my hand

(If I couldn't say one word,                   If I couldn't say one word
(I'll just )                       .                       I'll just wave my hand
(wave my hand)

Hold to God's unchanging hand

(Solo)                                                (Choir)
(Oh you outta Hold to his hand
to my God's unchanging hand)
(Oh)                                                  Hold to his hand
(to my)                                              God's unchanging hand
(you outta)                                        Build your hopes on things eternal
(you outta)                                        Hold to God's unchanging hand

(Repeat Chorus)

(Verse 1 Solo)
(Time is filled with swift transition
Naught of earth unmoved can stand)
                                                         Build your hopes on things eternal
(you outta)                                        Hold to God's unchanging hand

(Chorus 2)
(Oh)                                                 Hold to his hand
(whoa)                                             God's unchanging hand
(Oh)                                                 Hold to his hand
(to my)                                            God's unchanging hand
(you outta)                                       Build your hopes on things eternal
(you outta)                                       Hold to God's unchanging hand

This is the day

(Solo)                                  (Choir)

(This is the day)                  this is the day.
(That the Lord has made),  that the Lord has made.
(I will rejoice),                    I will rejoice,
(And be glad in it),             and be glad in it.

                                            This is the day that the Lord has made.
                                            I will rejoice and be glad in it.
(This is the day),                 this is the day
                                            That the Lord has made.

(repeat 4x)


Down by the riverside
(Solo)                                          (Choir)
(I'm gonna lay down my burden)  down by the riverside,
                                                     Down by the riverside, 
                                                     Down by the riverside,
                                                     Down by the riverside,

 (I'm gonna lay down my burden) down by the riverside,
                                                      study war no more

(I ain't a gonna)                             study war no more,
(I ain't a gonna)                             study war no more
                                                      study war no more
(I ain't a gonna)                             study war no more,
(I ain't a gonna)                             study war no more
                                                      study war no more
(I'm gonna lay down my heavy load...), 
(Well, I'm gonna put on my long white robe..)  
(I'm gonna lay down my burden..)

This little light of mine
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
Oh, this little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
This little light of mine
I'm going to let it shine
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

(All in my house..)(Ev'ry where I go)
This little light of mine)

I'm gonna sit at the welcome table, (oh)

(Choir hums 1st verse )
I'm going to sit at the welcome table, one of these days, hallelujah
I'm gonna sit at the welcome table
I'm gonna sit at the welcome table one of these days

(Verses in this order:)

Im gonna tell god how you treat me…

I'm gonna walk the streets of glory,...

\I'm gonna sit down by my Jesus,...

All gods children gonna sit together..

Im gonna sit at the welcome table....

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